I'm Software Engineer based android, and I'm relaxed
and dedicated to my project.
Friendly, this is a characteristic of IDN students and all IDN residents are required to have this friendly trait. This characteristic is also used in each individual IDN student.
This trait is also necessary for every individual, because if we are reliable, many people will come to us.
Trust is also needed by IDN students, because all of them will definitely feel leadership and one of the characteristics of one's leadership is to be trusted.
Hello! I'm a software engineer, and I'm very relaxed and dedicated to my project. With 3 month's experience as a software engineer, I have acquired the skills and knowledge necessary to finish a Projects. I enjoy every step of coding, from collaboration dan exchange ideas.
All projects that I make are purely my own creations
with the will to try to do
Learning does not depend on the characteristics of a person
but will to do
Learn programming languages with expert mentors, and to get national or international certificates.
The IDN curriculum carries a deep understanding of religion. Students will be equipped with religious knowledge and akhlakul karimah. There is also a regular tahfidz program that is carried out every day. Apart from being good at IT, students also understand and are good at reciting the Koran.
students will be trained to speak English in every activity, so that IDN Boarding School graduates are expected to be fluent and active in English.
Develop soft skills and competency skills through IDN Teaching, Bootcamp, Leadership Camp, English Camp, IT Camp, and many more.
This activity requires every student at IDN to visit and help a designated nursing home, with limited supplies and help from teachers making this activity a challenge in itself
This activity requires each student to go down to the local residents and help the residents work, with the hope of strengthening relations with the local residents
This activity requires students to find clients and offer the services they have learned to promote them, such as making posters, banners and others. Remember, it's all free of charge
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